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VR CYCLONE: 360˚ Roller Coaster Simulator

Immersive 360 rotation experience, excited HD games, high repeat consumption!


VR Cyclone Specification

vr cyclone details


Your high-definition hub for heart-pounding action, thrilling suspense, and spectacular sci-fi. Experience cinema at its most electrifying.

Oculeap VR Movies

Different themes

Explore diverse themes catering to all ages: whimsical kid-friendly adventures, coming-of-age tales and thought-provoking science content.

VR Cyclone

Application Scenarios

The VR Time Travel Machine fits perfectly in various venues including shopping malls, game halls, and streets. Its small footprint makes it a high-profit, space-efficient investment, promising immersive time-travel experiences.

Oculeap VR Application Scenarios

What we support

One stop solution provider

Customer case

Explore our customer case showcasing exhilarating virtual adventures in our VR Theme Park, where the VR Time Travel machine offers a 360° rotation experience through the epochs of history, blending education with entertainment.

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